ATLAS HTCondor-CE ping with SCITOKEN


HTCondor basic info

CE Version: 23.0.3
Version: $CondorVersion: 23.3.0 2024-01-04 BuildID: 700476 PackageID: 23.3.0-1 $
Platform: $CondorPlatform: x86_64_AlmaLinux9 $
Identity: condor@family

Test condor_ping with GSI credentials

05/05/24 17:48:56 recognized WRITE as authorization level, using command 60021.
WARNING: GSI authentication is enabled by your security configuration! GSI is no longer supported.
For details, see
05/05/24 17:48:56 SECMAN: no classad from server, failing
WRITE failed!
SECMAN:2007:Failed to end classad message.

Test condor_ping with SCITOKEN credentials

05/05/24 17:48:56 recognized WRITE as authorization level, using command 60021.
Destination:                 schedd
Remote Version:              $CondorVersion: 23.3.0 2024-01-04 BuildID: 700476 PackageID: 23.3.0-1 $
Local  Version:              $CondorVersion: 10.0.9 2023-09-29 PackageID: 10.0.9-1 $
Session ID:                  epgr02:2159725:1714924136:85101
Instruction:                 WRITE
Command:                     60021
Encryption:                  AES
Integrity:                   AES
Authenticated using:         SCITOKENS
All authentication methods:  SCITOKENS
Remote Mapping:              atlpan@$::domain
Authorized:                  TRUE

Token: {"wlcg.ver":"1.0","sub":"7dee38a3-6ab8-4fe2-9e4c-58039c21d817","aud":["","condor:\/\/","https:\/\/\/jwt\/v1\/any"],"nbf":1714924135,"scope":" compute.cancel compute.modify compute.create","iss":"https:\/\/\/","exp":1715269735,"iat":1714924135,"jti":"6813a0ca-7e34-4fcf-947b-e638647797b4","client_id":"7dee38a3-6ab8-4fe2-9e4c-58039c21d817"}